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We are glad to announce that a special issue, Thanatic Ethics: The Circulation of Bodies in Migratory Spaces that the Thanatic Ethics Investigators Bidisha Banerjee, Judith Misrahi-Barak and Thomas Lacroix co-edited has just been published.

Here is the link for the issue:

Postcolonial studies has long sought to understand migration and displacement as empowering without acknowledging the material realities of refugee migrations. This Special Issue responds to what the co-editors see as the urgent need for postcolonial and migration studies in general, and diaspora studies in particular, to consider the consequences of restrictive migration policies. Perhaps an even greater scandal of postcolonial and migration studies has been the failure to engage with the urgent question of migrant deaths. It is estimated that since 2014, more than 50,000 migrants have lost their lives while making perilous journeys across land and sea; over 60 per cent remain unidentified. The Thanatic Ethics project, from which this Special Issue emerged, seeks to make visible the bodies of the dead, or to understand why and how they are sometimes caught between hyper-invisibility and hyper-visibility. It attempts to memorialize the migrant dead and thereby do justice to them and ultimately to the living. It also considers the methodologies used in order to make these migrant dead visible, and the forms of representation that may bring about such visibility. Emerging from the eponymous trans- and interdisciplinary project, this Special Issue titled “Thanatic Ethics: The Circulation of Bodies in Migratory Spaces” moves away from the celebratory tone of transnational and migration studies and their focus on migrants’ cross-border agency, instead shedding light on the fatal consequences of migration policies. This Introduction begins with a brief overview of the extant scholarship on death in migration. It continues with an attempt to define thanatic ethics and describe how it affects the relations between the dead and the living as well as between the living themselves. We conclude with a presentation of the essays curated in this Special Issue.

We are delighted to announce the publication of a new book Home : Les sens d'une maison by Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée. It is co-edited by the Thanatic Ethics Network member Justine Feyereisen along with Rosanna Gangemi, Dag Houdmont, and Arvi Sepp.

This book is the result of a critical and collective long-term reflection that originates in the cycle of interuniversity seminars, Home, initiated in Brussels in 2018, around the polysemic aspects and porous borders of the notion of ‘home’. Any attempt at definition raises the question of whether home corresponds to a place, a space, a feeling—in the singularor plural—, to practices or states of being in the world, as well as to its inhabitants, their concrete and symbolic lives, their memories and their class, gender, generational, and racial relations. And we will raise it from the point of view of contemporary literature and arts to better grasp their role in the understanding of a domestic spatiality.


Home : Les sens d'une maison dans l'art et la littérature contemporains

Justine Feyereisen, Rosanna Gangemi & Arvi Sepp (dir.)


Nicolas Rault, L’habitation à l’épreuve du monde

Cristina Álvares, No Home. Le devenir-ghetto du monde dans Tropique de la violence de Nathacha Appanah

Home Away From Home

Charikleia Magdalini Kefalidou, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained? William Saroyan’s and David Kherdian’s Portrayals of the United States as a New Home(Land)

Anna Federici, Les maisons de la migration : les écrivaines italiennes de la migration balkanique

Dorota Walczak-Delanois, Les (im)possibles maisons poétiques de Marian Pankowski

Back Home

Valentina Pancaldi, La troisième langue ou le chemin de retour au foyer familial

Karolina Svobodova, Le lieu culturel comme maison. Un idéal en héritage et des effets imprévus quand le familier l’emporte

Hyein Lee, « Chez moi ailleurs » : Chantal Akerman et ses documentaires

Women for a Sub-Verted Home

Émilie Piat, Du cauchemar au spectacle : réappropriation parodique de l’espace domestique dans la poésie féminine britannique contemporaine

Paola Del Zoppo, Heimlich and Silent as the Grave. The Last Dwelling as the Only Possible Home in Margarete Böhme’s Tagebuch einer Verlorenen

Isabelle Doneux-Daussaint, Duras : La maison ou le symbole absolu


Bio-Bibliographical Notices

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