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Date: 1-2 April, 2021


Time: 9:00AM - 2:30PM (All times are CET)



April 1





Panel 1: Forensic Oceanography   (Click here for the video)

Chair: Thomas Lacroix


Film screening: “Liquid Traces: The Left-to-Die Boat Cases” 


Charles Heller

Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP), Graduate Institute, Geneva

Forensic Oceanography: Contesting Border Violence and Aesthetic Boundaries


Edwige Tamalet Talbayev

French, Middle East and North African Studies, Tulane University

The Residual Migrant: Dissolutive Ontologies and Necropolitics in the Mediterranean


Panel 2: The “Unritual”   (Click here for the video)

Chair: Catherine Bernard


Carolina Kobelinsky


Making a Place for the Dead by Migration: Experiences from Catania (Sicily)


Félicien de Heusch

Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM), University of Liege

Transnational Engagements Around Senegalese Migrant Deaths


Kelly Yin Nga Tse

Literature and Cultural Studies, Education University of Hong Kong

“The Sea is History”: Archiving Vietnamese Refugee Stories


Panel 3: Necropolis in the Ecotone   (Click here for the video)

Chair: Judith Misrahi-Barak


Ravinder Singh Rana

English Studies, Université Grenoble Alpes

Life of Pi or a Survivor’s Dilemma


Lucinda Newns

Literature and Cultural Studies, Education University of Hong Kong

 Necropolitical Ecologies: Nature’s Death-work in the Borderzone


Alan Rice

English and American Studies, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)

Jade Montserrat’s Fugitive Traces, Earth-Splattered Bodies and Thanatic Ethics:

Making African Atlantic Homespace in Alien Environments Then and Now (1758–2020)



April 2



Panel 4: Rituals of Death   (Click here for the video)

Chair: Justine Feyereisen


Rachid Oulahal

Psychology Studies, Université de La Réunion, DIRE (Déplacement, Identités, Regards, Écritures)

How can the Burial Sites of Forced Migrants Influence the Identity Processes of their Descendants? Encountering Descendants of Algerians in New Caledonia


Jaine Chemmachery

Postcolonial Literatures, Sorbonne Université, Paris 

Repatriation of the Brother/Terrorist’s Body in Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire


Panel 5: Visualizing the Thanatic (Click here for the video)

Chair: Bidisha Banerjee


Catherine Bernard

Contemporary Art and Visual Studies, Université de Paris – UMR 8225 LARCA

Contemporary Art’s Thanatic Work: Re-embodying the (Absent) Migrant Body


Ana Cristina Mendes

School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon

The refugee ‘crisis’ and Ai Weiwei’s thanatic shorthand


Markus Arnold

French & Francophone Studies, University of Cape Town  

“The pleasure of drawing while people are drowning”: Graphic Literature and the Critical Engagement with Death in Migratory Spaces


Panel 6

Round table for Project Team Members and Project Participants: Conclusions and looking forward / publications and further events 

Collected Abstracts


Thanatic Ethics Workshop 1
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