PI & CO-Is
Project Investigator

Dr. Bidisha Banerjee, Associate Director, International research Centre for Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Bidisha Banerjee is Associate Professor of English in the Literature and Cultural Studies Department at the Education University of Hong Kong. She has a M.A. in English from Claremont Graduate University and a Phd from the University of Iowa. She won the Jeffrey Campbell Fellowship which enabled her to teach in the Gender Studies department at St. Lawrence University in New York. Prior to joining EdUHK, she also taught at Chinese University and City University (both in Hong Kong) as an academic visitor. Dr. Banerjee’s research and teaching interests include postcolonial studies, globality and transnationalism, diaspora and exile, postcolonial feminist fictions and theory, cultural studies, Hong Kong urban culture and film studies. Her book Traces of the Real: The Absent Presence of Photography in South Asian Literature, is forthcoming with Liverpool University Press in 2021. She has presented her work widely at conferences in Europe, Asia and the US. Some of her work on South Asian diaspora has been published in journals like Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Text and Journal of Postcolonial Writing. She won the 2011-12 Excellence in Teaching Award in the Faculty of Humanities and was nominated for the Hong Kong wide 2013 UGC Teaching Award. Dr. Banerjee is the Associate Director of the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IRCCS), a faculty level research centre in the Faculty of Humanities at EdUHK (www.cpch.hk). She served as the director of 我城我書 / One City One Book Hong Kong, a community wide reading project and Hong Kong’s first One City One Book initiative in its inaugural year, 2019 (www.onecityonebook.hk).
Website: https://www.eduhk.hk/lcs/people/bidisha-banerjee
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bidisha_Banerjee4
Project Co-Investigators

Dr. Judith Misrahi-Barak, Professor, EMMA, Universite Paul Valery Montpellier 3, France
Judith Misrahi-Barak is s Professor in Postcolonial Studies at University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, France, where she teaches English and postcolonial literatures. Her prime areas of specialization are Caribbean and Indo- and Sino-Caribbean literatures in English, diaspora and migrant writing. She has published numerous articles and book chapters in edited collections, among which Tracing the New Indian Diaspora (Om Dwivedi, ed. Rodopi, 2014); Turning Tides: Caribbean Intersections in the Americas and Beyond (Heather Cateau and Milla Riggio, eds. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers, 2019); or Windrush (1948) and Rivers of Blood (1968): Legacy and Assessment (Trevor Harris, ed. Routledge, 2019).
She is General Editor of the series PoCoPages (Pulm, Montpellier). Borders and Ecotones in the Indian Ocean is the latest volume (2020).
Her latest publications are a chapter on Edwidge Danticat’s short stories (Bloomsbury Handbook on Edwidge Danticat, 2021), an article in a Special Issue of The Caribbean Quarterly on Sino-Caribbean literature (2021), and Kala pani Crossings: Revisiting 19th century Migrations from India’s Perspective (co-edited with Ashutosh Bhardwaj, Routledge, 2021).
Her monograph entitled Entre Atlantique et océan Indien: les voix de la Caraïbe anglophone was published with Classiques Garnier (Paris, 2021).
Dalit literatures are among her more recent interests, and she was Co-Investigator on an AHRC Research Network series on ‘Writing, Analysing, Translating Dalit Literature’ (2014-16) and is now Co-Investigator on an AHRC Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement on ‘On Stage and on Page: Celebrating Dalit and Adivasi Literatures and Performing Arts’ (2020-23).
The Routledge Companion to Caste in Cinema in India, co-edited with Joshil K. Abraham, was published with Routledge (November 2022).
Email: judith.misrahi-barak@univ-montp3.fr
Academia: https://univ-montp3.academia.edu/JMisrahibarak
HAL: https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/judith-misrahi-barak
ORCID : https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-4628-0103

Dr. Thomas Lacroix, CNRS Research Fellow, CERI- Sciences Po, Paris, France
Thomas Lacroix is CNRS Director of research in geography at the Centre for International Studies-Sciences Po in Paris. He works on the relationships between immigrant transnationalism and the state, with a focus on North African transnationalism. He extensively published on the migration and development relationship, diasporic memory, the moral geography of migration or the theory of transnationalism.
More recently, His research examines cities and city networks engagement on migration and integration issues. He is particularly interested in the place of cities in the building of a global migration governance framework. He also explores the epistemology of migration studies, with a special interest in the role of the Critique in migration research and the social engagement of scholars. He is engaged in a multidisciplinary dialogue between social scientists and other disciplinary domains such as the humanities, philosophy and mathematics.
He was awarded a PhD in geography and political sciences at the University of Poitiers (2003). He held research positions at the CEDEM (University of Liège), the Centre Jacques Berque (Rabat), the CRER (University of Warwick), the International Migration Institute (Oxford University), Migrinter (University of Poitiers) and the Maison Française of Oxford. He regularly teaches at the Master level at Sciences Po, Oxford University, the University of Poitiers and the University St Joseph in Beyrouth.
He is associate editor of Migration Studies, editor of the series "Migrations" at the Presses Universitaires François Rabelais and seats at the editorial board of Migration and Development (Routledge). He is fellow of the Institut Convergence Migrations in Paris and research associate at Migrinter, the Maison Française of Oxford and the Kellogg College of Oxford.
He is the co-PI with Bénédicte Michalon (Passage/University of Bordeaux) of the Localacc programme (L’accueil en question: les localités urbaines et rurales face aux migrations) and Thanatic Ethics: the circulation of bodies in migration with Judith Misrahi Barak (EMMA, Université Paul Valéry 3 Montpellier) and Bidisha Banerjee (EDUHK, Hong Kong). He is co-investigator in the programme PACE (the politics of migration and asylum crisis in Europe).
Academia: https://mfo.academia.edu/httpwwwmfocnrsfrteamresearchersthomaslacroix