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grant Applications

Thanatic Ethics Fieldwork Travel Grant: Call for applications


The Thanatic Ethics project, an international collaboration between the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities (CPCH) at the Education University of Hong Kong, Études Montpelliéraines du Monde Anglophone (EMMA) at the Paul-Valéry University, Montpellier 3, and Centre for International Studies (CERI) Sciences Po, Paris, invites applications from PhD students working on projects related to the aims and scope of Thanatic Ethics. Three grants of 1500 Euros / 1700 USD each (funded by the Centre for Popular Culture in the Humanities at the Education University of Hong Kong) will be awarded. 


The travel grants will support students based at institutions anywhere in the world to conduct fieldwork in another country for their doctoral project. The award will cover international economy airline tickets, accommodation and any other reasonable research expenses incurred in the country where research is conducted.


Eligibility criteria (candidates must satisfy all of the following)


  • Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD programme.

  • Applicants must have a research project that aligns with the aims and scope of the Thanatic Ethics project.

  • Applicants must not be currently receiving another scholarship or grant that supports fieldwork.


Grant awardees agree to


  • Submit a short report of their fieldwork (1500 words, within 3 months of the completion of the fieldwork) to be published on the Thanatic Ethics website;

  • Submit a financial report including a detailed breakdown of expenses and receipts where applicable (1-2 pages, within 3 months of the completion of the fieldwork);

  • Present their research at a Thanatic Ethics Webinar;

  • Submit at least one article that arises from the fieldwork to an international, peer reviewed journal; and

  • Credits Thanatic Ethics and CPCH, EdUHK in all related presentations and publications.


Application Requirements


  • Applications must be submitted in English and should include the following:

    • A brief resume of the candidate (maximum 2 pages) including date of admission to a doctoral programme and current enrollment status

    • A research proposal of the candidate’s project – aims, scope, methodology, research questions, theoretical framework, a description of the proposed fieldwork and a timeframe. The importance of the fieldwork to the doctoral project should be underscored (maximum 1500 words plus references)

    • A description (maximum 1 page) of how the proposed research/fieldwork aligns with the aims and scope of Thanatic Ethics

    • A detailed breakdown of the anticipated research costs including travel, accommodation and subsistence (maximum 1 page)

    • A letter of support from the PhD supervisor

  • Completed applications must be submitted in a single PDF file (1.5 line spacing) to with the subject “Travel Grant application submission”.


Selection criteria


  • Relevance of the project and fieldwork to the aims and scope of the Thanatic Ethics project

  • Anticipated contribution to the field

  • Scholarly rigour and originality

  • Reasonable and realistic funding requirements




The deadline for grant applications is February 15, 2022.




Enquiries about the grant should be sent to with the subject “Travel Grant application enquiry”.


Information on the Thanatic Ethics project can be found at:

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